dilluns, 19 de gener del 2009
dijous, 15 de gener del 2009
Dalet que voy!
Avui hem tingut la nostra primera experiència en un estudi de ràdio. A un pam del micròfon, els auriculars posats i... Dalet que voy! El nostre primer programa de ràdio ha estat grabat amb èxit! Entrevistes, testimonis, intervenció de "professionals" de la psicologia... tota una experiència que esperem repetir al llarg de la nostra carrera periodística, a ser possible, amb menys nervis.
dissabte, 3 de gener del 2009
Primer contacte amb Avid
"If you enjoy movies, television, music, or virtually any other form of electronic media, you have almost certainly experienced the work of the legions of content creators who use Avid solutions to bring their creative visions to life.
Building on a concept that originated in a garage in Massachusetts in 1987, Avid has become the world leader in digital media creation tools for film, video, audio, and broadcast professionals – as well as for home video and home audio enthusiasts. Today, the vast majority of primetime television shows, feature films, commercials, and chart-topping pop music hits are made using one or more Avid products. And the company has received the most prestigious awards in the industries it serves – including three Emmys, a Grammy, and two Oscar statuettes: the 1998 Scientific and Technical Award for the concept, design, and engineering of the Avid Film Composer system for motion picture editing, and the 2003 Scientific and Technical Award for the design, development, and implementation of the Pro Tools digital audio workstation.
Avid’s presence across the media production industries is so vast that filmmakers, broadcasters, recording engineers, effects artists, and other content creators often wonder how they ever managed to get their work done in the days before Avid pioneered the concept of using a computer to digitally manipulate film, video and audio. That spirit of innovation continues to this day, with increasingly powerful, integrated solutions that reflect Avid’s dedication to quality, and its longstanding commitment to empowering the creativity behind the world’s most widely recognized media."
dimarts, 18 de novembre del 2008
Fi de classe de Plató
El dia 12 de novembre vam començar el que seran 4 classes, també intenses, en les pràctiques de l'edició de vídeos. La darrera classe vam començar a endinsar-nos en el complicat món de l'avid i esperem que poc a poc poguem obtenir grans resultats.
dimecres, 5 de novembre del 2008
29 d'octubre
29 de octubre, 19:00
Jessica Orera